
Research Experiences


Marie Curie PhD Fellow

Visual Computing, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark

2023 – present Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Geometric Model for Ultrafast Deep Inference of X-ray CT and Scattering
  • Part of RELIANCE work package - Data Analysis and Validation

Research Engineer

Neurospin, CEA Paris-Saclay / Inria-MIND

Jan 2022 – July 2023 Paris, France
  • Developed SPARKLING trajectory (optimized acquisition) for Very Low Field MRI (ANR-VLFMRI) premature newborns (8 mT).

Master Thesis Student

Neurospin, CEA Paris-Saclay / Inria-Parietal

Mar 2021 – Sep 2021 Paris, France
  • CS Multi-contrast MRI reconstruction, developed deep learning model (PDHG optimization- based CNN ): MC-PDNet to improve reconstruction quality.

Student Assistant

Helmholtz-Zen. Dresden-Ros. (HZDR) - HiF

July 2020 – Sep 2020 Freiberg, Germany
  • Implemetation of c-GAN to convert Image to Digital Surface Model translation under the supervision of Pedram Ghamisi.

Bachelor Thesis Student

Indian Institute of Space Sc. & Tech. (IIST)

Dec 2018 – May 2019 Trivandrum, India
  • Proposed MDR-CNN architecture to utilize receptive field (using mutli-scaling & dilation) for hyperspectral classification on sub-sampled ground truth.

Awards & Honors

Young Mentor

Selected as young mentor ’Women in Medical Imaging Session’ at IEEE ISBI 2022.

Undergraduate Studentship

Received undergraduate studentship for my bachelor studies from Department of Space (DoS), Govt. of India

Top 0.01% Ranker JEE Mains

Shortlisted in less than top 0.01% candidates in national engineering exam (JEE Mains) among 1.3M candidates.

